Some observatories were I used to observe:


 Period   Observatory
[station code]
Instrument Program / Objects Results
1980/90ies Wiesbaden [023] 0.30-m Astrometry, Occultations of asteroids  


Siegen [510] 0.30-m Astrometry, Spectroscopy, Occultations

MPECs, comet spectroscopy

2001 - 2002 T1T/MAO Trebur [239] 1.24-m Astrometry of Asteroids MPECs, asteroid discoveries
2005 - 2006 Observatorio Astronomico de Mallorca [620] 0.30-m Photometry, sometimes astrometry of asteroids Lightcurves, TBD (MPB)

2005 May 04-11

Calar Alto Observatory, Spanish telescope (OAN) [439] OAN 1.52-m NEO confirmation and recovery, NEO / suspected binary photometry, astrometry, TNO recoveries failed MPEC K05J29, K05J30, K05J34, K05J36, K05J41, K05J57; etc.
2012 - current ROTAT and SATINO [C95] 0.30-m, 0.60-m Photometry and astrometry of asteroids Lightcurves (MPB), asteroid discoveries
2003 - current IAS Namibia [221] 0.30-m, 0.50-m Occultations, photometry and astrometry of asteroids and comets  
2021 - current Calar Alto [439], Spain 1.23-m, 2.2-m Occultations, photometry and astrometry of asteroids, CeTNOs and comets  
2022 ESO La Sila [809], Chile DK 1.54-m Occultations, photometry and astrometry of CeTNOs  
2022 La Palma, Spain NOT 2.56-m Photometry and astrometry of CeTNOs  
2022 Tenerife, Spain STELLA 1.2-m Photometry and astrometry of CeTNOs  


CeTNOs: Centaurs and TNOs



Asteroids discoveries I made during my work at Trebur Observatory (MPC COD 239) and ROTAT (C95):

NB: (L) Lost, (J) = together with J. Jahn


Provisional Designation

Discovery Date Number / Name Obs NB Citation or Note
01 TMK004 2002 RB137 13.09.2002 (195946) 2002RB137 239   (195946) = 2002 RB137 = 2002 RD137 = 2006 HQ94 
02 TMKMJ01

2002 RZ181

13.09.2002   239   2002 RZ181 = 2014 WD502 (discoverer TBD)
03 TMKMJ02 2002 RQ181 14.09.2002 (163470) Kenwallis 239   Ken Wallis (1916–2013) was a British aviator and engineer. After retiring, he developed autogyro planes and contributed to the renaissance of this type of aircraft. He worked as a stunt pilot in the 1967 James Bond film “You Only Live Twice”, where he flew Little Nellie, one of his own autogyro planes.
04 TMK006 2002 SZ16 28.09.2002  (723456) 2002 SZ16 239   2006 VO78 = 2002 SZ16
05 TMK007 2002 SZ27 30.09.2002 (196035) Haraldbill 239   Harald Bill (b. 1964), a long-term friend of the discoverer, is a German amateur astronomer, who observes comets and minor planets. He also undertakes pre-discovery work and contributes to several observing programs, including the Teide Observatory Tenerife Asteroid Survey.
06 TMK008 2002 SU27 30.09.2002 (142408) Trebur 239   Trebur is a small town in Germany, located about 15 km southwest from Frankfurt Airport. Trebur is the home of the Michael Adrian Observatory, at which this object was discovered with a 1.24-m telescope, currently the largest privately financed telescope in Germany open to the public.
07 TMK009a

2002 TJ68

08.10.2002 (211343) Dieterhusar 239   Dieter Husar (b. 1947), a German physicist and amateur astronomer, is best known for his photometric work on variable stars. Currently he is focused on the Blazhko effect. He is a co-founder of the Stiftung Interaktive Astronomie und Astrophysik, operating remote telescopes for amateur and educational purposes.
08 T1T012 2002 TK69 10.10.2002 (201308) Hansgrade 239   Aviation pioneer Hans Grade (1879-1946) made the first controlled engine-powered flight in Germany with a homemade aircraft in 1908. The following year he won the Lanz aviation award flying another homemade aircraft, and in 1910 he launched an aircraft factory and the first German flight school.
09 T1T013 2002 TL69 10.10.2002 (142562) Graetz 239   The German Officer Paul Graetz (1875-1968) was the first person to cross southern Africa by automobile. He started at Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) on 1907 Aug. 10 and completed the challenging 5000-km journey at Swakopmund (Namibia) on 1909 May 1. During 1911-1912 he traveled across Africa by motor-boat.
10 T1T015 2002 TM69 10.10.2002 (250164) Hannsruder 239   Hanns Ruder (b. 1939) is astrophysics professor at Tübingen, Germany. Beside his research work, he promoted the popularization of astronomy and theory of relativity. He is a co-founder of the Stiftung Interaktive Astronomie und Astrophysik, operating remote telescopes for amateur and educational purposes.


 MKJJ05  2013 RU95  09.09.2013  (511051) = 2013 RU95 C95 J  Discovery credit lost to Spacewatch