Occultation Observation (Status: published) |
Occultation Date : 2024-09-09
Star Designation : UCAC4 401-116609
Object Designation : (24561) 4646 P-L
Observation Result : O+
Observer(s) : Carles Schnabel
Start Observation UT1 : 20:51:14
Disappearance UT2 : 20:54:02.2 +/- 0.3
Reappearance UT3 : 20:54:04.1 +/- 0.3
End Observation UT4 : 20:56:04
Duration [sec] : 1.90
Site Name : Sant Esteve Sesrovires
Country Code : ES
Observation Method : VID
Time Source : GPS
Instrument/Optics : M400
Record last modified : 2024-09-10 19:16:08
Source / Reference : SODIS (account required)
Observer Comments : Reviewer: Noisy recording and barely detectable. The drop is clear visible only normalizing the light curve. The event didn't pass the 1,2&3 frames test (Probable >1.50, Result 1.41)
Associated Occultation
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Notes |
- For the used data sources and all abbrerviations / codes used above look here.