Occultation Observation (Status: published) |
Occultation Date : 2024-10-31
Star Designation : UCAC4 628-017382
Object Designation : (83146) 2001 QJ265
Observation Result : O+
Observer(s) : Alexandros Siakas
Start Observation UT1 : 03:33:40
Disappearance UT2 : 03:33:45.624 +/- 0.08
Reappearance UT3 : 0:33:46.608 +/- 0.08
End Observation UT4 : 03:34:00
Duration [sec] : 75600.98
Site Name : Taxiarchis
Country Code : GR
Observation Method : CCD
Time Source : GPS
Instrument/Optics : T356
Record last modified : 2024-11-03 12:37:38
Source / Reference : SODIS (account required)
Observer Comments : The sky was very cloudy and the star was barely observable when I started the recording. Luckily, it cleared up for just enough time to actually see the event. The reported Start/End Obs times correspond to the first and last frame that the filed is clear enough to get good data. If you need more information I am happy to provide it.
Associated Occultation
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Notes |
- For the used data sources and all abbrerviations / codes used above look here.