Occultation Observation (Status: published) |
Occultation Date : 2024-12-16
Star Designation : UCAC4 469-026643
Object Designation : (177414) 2004 CL2
Observation Result : O-
Observer(s) : Deborah Smith
Start Observation UT1 : 21:21:14
Disappearance UT2 :
Reappearance UT3 :
End Observation UT4 : 21:23:54
Duration [sec] :
Site Name : Gergal
Country Code : ES
Observation Method : CCD
Time Source : NTP
Instrument/Optics : M300
Record last modified : 2024-12-16 23:41:24
Source / Reference : SODIS (account required)
Observer Comments : Removed first 1550 frames due to 51 dropped frames from a computer interruption. It did not affect the data after this. The submitted data started 40 seconds before the predicted event time and the result was still a clear miss.
Associated Occultation
Images and Datafiles
(If error 404: link not valid which means no data available)
Notes |
- For the used data sources and all abbrerviations / codes used above look here.