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Occultation Observation (Status: review in progress !)
Occultation Date : 2025-02-04 Star Designation : TYC 1374-00601-1 Object Designation : (4176) Sudek Observation Result : O+ Observer(s) : Tomas Janik, Zdenek Moravec Start Observation UT1 : 22:32:00 Disappearance UT2 : 22:32:43.12 +/- 0.03 Reappearance UT3 : 22:32:43.69 +/- 0.03 End Observation UT4 : 22:33:30 Duration [sec] : 0.57 Site Name : Teplice Country Code : CZ Observation Method : CCD Time Source : GPS Instrument/Optics : T600 Record last modified : 2025-02-13 20:16:44 Source / Reference : SODIS (account required) Observer Comments : Observed exceptionally clear diffraction effects for both D and R. Nice and smooth light curve - very good SNR. Possible binary star - a step observed before R. Since Peter Delincak (SODIS ID 7114) did not observe any gradual brightening/fading during the occultation using the same exposure (0.05 s), we believe the "step" during R is not caused by a star companion. We think the effect was caused by an irregular shape of the asteroid and that such an explanation is more likely. Measurement by AOTA: data points related to diffraction effects were invalidated (these points are not used for D/R measurement). Magnitude drop of 2.59mag (9.2 % with respect to the full intensity) for measured occultation, magnitude drop of 0.51mag (62.7 % with respect to the full intensity) for "step" near the R. Brightening of -0.25mag (125 % with respect to the full intensity) for diffraction effects at both D and R.

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SiMDA | 3D Asteroid Catalogue | Johnston Archive | Star at CDS (Vizier) | JPL Small-Body Node | Minor Planet Center | Wikipedia
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