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Stellar Occultation by (1481) Tubingia on 2023-06-11 (23:55:38 UT)

CTU: Cross-track uncertainty (zero means: use the nominal prediction value, see event details below). Offsets and CTU all in mas.

Event Details
 Occultation UUID [and db] : 1f06b130-c335-11ef-5276-b86654699509 [observed]

 Occultation Date + Time   : 2023-06-11 at 23:55:38 UT +/- 0.0 min  [1]
 Object Designation        : (1481) Tubingia
 Star Designation          : GDR3 4059622604514673280
 Star Coordinates (ICRF)   : RA = 17 30 33.4727, DE = -28 38 24.016  [2]
 Star Magnitudes           : G = 12.1 mag, RP = 11.52 mag, BP = 12.49 mag
 Object Magnitude          : V = 14.47 mag
 Estimated Magnitude Drop  : 2.5 mag
 Estimated Max. Duration   : 2.9 sec
 Object Mean Diameter      : 33.3 km  (src: astorb)
 Orbital Class             : MBA
 Speed of the shadow       : 11.6 km/s
 Elongation to Moon & Sun  : 102° (sunlit = 37%), Sun = 174°
 Cross-track uncertainty   : 0.3 mas = 0 km = 0.01 path-width (1-sig)
 RUWE and duplicate source : 0.73 mas, dup.src = 0  (0:false, 1:true)

 Ephemeris Reference       : JPL#74

 [1] time t0 of closest geocentric approach c/a, [2] including proper motion until t0

More Data and Informations
SiMDA | 3D Asteroid Catalogue | Johnston Archive | Star at CDS (Vizier) | JPL Small-Body Node | Minor Planet Center | Wikipedia
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