Stellar Occultation by (1212) Francette on 2023-08-26 (21:36:46 UT)
Event Details
Occultation UUID [and db] : d09f39ca-38d9-4e57-84aa-64eabb5f49c6 [observed]
Occultation Date + Time : 2023-08-26 at 21:36:46 UT +/- 0.02 min [1]
Object Designation : (1212) Francette
Star Designation : GDR3 2613452106006587392
Star Coordinates (ICRF) : RA = 22 03 22.4872, DE = -11 56 31.834 [2]
Star Magnitudes : G = 10.51 mag, RP = 9.8 mag, BP = 11.08 mag
Object Magnitude : V = 15.96 mag
Estimated Magnitude Drop : 5.5 mag
Estimated Max. Duration : 4.8 sec
Object Mean Diameter : 82.1 km (src: astorb)
Orbital Class : MBA
Speed of the shadow : 17.1 km/s
Elongation to Moon & Sun : 54° (sunlit = 76%), Sun = 175°
Cross-track uncertainty : 2.0 mas = 5 km = 0.06 path-width (1-sig)
RUWE and duplicate source : 1.07 mas, dup.src = 0 (0:false, 1:true)
Ephemeris Reference : JPL#58
[1] time t0 of closest geocentric approach c/a, [2] including proper motion until t0
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Aladin Lite direct link (has Gaia overlay)
Occultation Ground Track
Time[UT] | Lat----CENTR----Lon | Alt Azm Sun | Lat----EDGE1----Lon | Lat----EDGE2----Lon
hh:mm:ss | +DD.dddd +DDD.dddd | deg deg deg | +DD.dddd +DDD.dddd | +DD.dddd +DDD.dddd
21:33:49 +74.6141 +041.1012 +03 188 -05 +71.0415 +040.0154 +79.0490 +042.6359
21:33:54 +70.6826 +037.1434 +07 185 -09 +68.4831 +037.1239 +73.9009 +037.4638
21:33:59 +68.2683 +034.6509 +10 182 -11 +66.5118 +034.8974 +70.4098 +034.4013
21:34:05 +66.3657 +032.6440 +12 180 -13 +64.8513 +033.0090 +68.1032 +032.2302
21:34:10 +64.7477 +030.9030 +13 178 -15 +63.3914 +031.3321 +66.2559 +030.4155
21:34:15 +63.3178 +029.3347 +15 177 -16 +62.0749 +029.8025 +64.6735 +028.8081
21:34:21 +62.0240 +027.8893 +16 175 -17 +60.8676 +028.3820 +63.2691 +027.3400
21:34:26 +60.8349 +026.5366 +17 174 -18 +59.7471 +027.0460 +61.9951 +025.9735
21:34:31 +59.7295 +025.2565 +18 173 -19 +58.6978 +025.7775 +60.8221 +024.6848
21:34:36 +58.6930 +024.0349 +19 171 -20 +57.7082 +024.5642 +59.7301 +023.4576
21:34:42 +57.7146 +022.8614 +20 170 -21 +56.7698 +023.3968 +58.7052 +022.2806
21:34:47 +56.7861 +021.7281 +21 169 -22 +55.8758 +022.2680 +57.7370 +021.1450
21:34:52 +55.9012 +020.6288 +21 168 -22 +55.0210 +021.1722 +56.8177 +020.0444
21:34:58 +55.0546 +019.5587 +22 167 -23 +54.2010 +020.1047 +55.9411 +018.9733
21:35:03 +54.2421 +018.5135 +23 165 -24 +53.4122 +019.0617 +55.1022 +017.9276
21:35:08 +53.4605 +017.4900 +23 164 -24 +52.6518 +018.0400 +54.2969 +016.9037
21:35:13 +52.7068 +016.4853 +24 163 -25 +51.9172 +017.0369 +53.5220 +015.8986
21:35:19 +51.9785 +015.4970 +24 162 -25 +51.2063 +016.0500 +52.7746 +014.9100
21:35:24 +51.2736 +014.5229 +25 161 -26 +50.5172 +015.0773 +52.0525 +013.9355
21:35:29 +50.5904 +013.5612 +25 160 -26 +49.8483 +014.1169 +51.3535 +012.9734
21:35:34 +49.9272 +012.6102 +26 159 -26 +49.1983 +013.1674 +50.6759 +012.0218
21:35:40 +49.2827 +011.6686 +26 158 -27 +48.5660 +012.2272 +50.0182 +011.0794
21:35:45 +48.6558 +010.7349 +27 157 -27 +47.9503 +011.2951 +49.3791 +010.1448
21:35:50 +48.0453 +009.8079 +27 156 -27 +47.3502 +010.3698 +48.7575 +009.2167
21:35:56 +47.4504 +008.8866 +27 154 -27 +46.7649 +009.4503 +48.1523 +008.2941
21:36:01 +46.8702 +007.9700 +27 153 -27 +46.1936 +008.5357 +47.5626 +007.3758
21:36:06 +46.3041 +007.0569 +28 152 -28 +45.6357 +007.6248 +46.9875 +006.4610
21:36:11 +45.7513 +006.1467 +28 151 -28 +45.0906 +006.7169 +46.4265 +005.5486
21:36:17 +45.2112 +005.2383 +28 150 -28 +44.5576 +005.8111 +45.8789 +004.6379
21:36:22 +44.6834 +004.3310 +28 149 -28 +44.0364 +004.9066 +45.3440 +003.7280
21:36:27 +44.1673 +003.4239 +28 148 -28 +43.5266 +004.0027 +44.8214 +002.8179
21:36:33 +43.6626 +002.5163 +28 147 -28 +43.0276 +003.0984 +44.3107 +001.9071
21:36:38 +43.1689 +001.6074 +28 146 -28 +42.5391 +002.1932 +43.8113 +000.9946
21:36:43 +42.6858 +000.6965 +28 145 -28 +42.0610 +001.2862 +43.3231 +000.0798
21:36:48 +42.2131 -000.2172 +28 144 -28 +41.5928 +000.3768 +42.8456 -000.8383
21:36:54 +41.7504 -001.1344 +28 143 -28 +41.1343 -000.5358 +42.3785 -001.7603
21:36:59 +41.2976 -002.0560 +28 142 -28 +40.6853 -001.4524 +41.9217 -002.6871
21:37:04 +40.8545 -002.9827 +28 141 -27 +40.2457 -002.3736 +41.4749 -003.6195
21:37:10 +40.4208 -003.9153 +28 140 -27 +39.8152 -003.3004 +41.0379 -004.5582
21:37:15 +39.9966 -004.8547 +28 139 -27 +39.3938 -004.2334 +40.6107 -005.5043
21:37:20 +39.5815 -005.8017 +28 138 -27 +38.9813 -005.1735 +40.1930 -006.4587
21:37:25 +39.1757 -006.7573 +28 137 -27 +38.5777 -006.1216 +39.7849 -007.4222
21:37:31 +38.7790 -007.7224 +27 136 -26 +38.1829 -007.0786 +39.3862 -008.3959
21:37:36 +38.3914 -008.6981 +27 135 -26 +37.7969 -008.0455 +38.9971 -009.3811
21:37:41 +38.0129 -009.6854 +27 134 -26 +37.4197 -009.0234 +38.6174 -010.3787
21:37:47 +37.6436 -010.6857 +27 133 -25 +37.0514 -010.0133 +38.2472 -011.3902
21:37:52 +37.2836 -011.7002 +26 132 -25 +36.6920 -011.0165 +37.8867 -012.4170
21:37:57 +36.9330 -012.7303 +26 131 -24 +36.3416 -012.0343 +37.5360 -013.4606
21:38:02 +36.5920 -013.7778 +25 130 -24 +36.0004 -013.0682 +37.1954 -014.5229
21:38:08 +36.2608 -014.8442 +25 129 -23 +35.6686 -014.1198 +36.8649 -015.6057
21:38:13 +35.9396 -015.9318 +25 128 -23 +35.3465 -015.1910 +36.5451 -016.7114
21:38:18 +35.6289 -017.0426 +24 127 -22 +35.0343 -016.2838 +36.2363 -017.8424
21:38:23 +35.3291 -018.1795 +23 126 -22 +34.7324 -017.4005 +35.9390 -019.0017
21:38:29 +35.0407 -019.3452 +23 125 -21 +34.4413 -018.5439 +35.6538 -020.1927
21:38:34 +34.7643 -020.5435 +22 124 -20 +34.1615 -019.7169 +35.3815 -021.4196
21:38:39 +34.5008 -021.7785 +22 123 -20 +33.8937 -020.9233 +35.1230 -022.6871
21:38:45 +34.2511 -023.0551 +21 122 -19 +33.6389 -022.1674 +34.8795 -024.0013
21:38:50 +34.0165 -024.3796 +20 121 -18 +33.3979 -023.4544 +34.6526 -025.3694
21:38:55 +33.7985 -025.7595 +19 120 -17 +33.1722 -024.7906 +34.4441 -026.8008
21:39:00 +33.5993 -027.2046 +18 119 -16 +32.9633 -026.1841 +34.2567 -028.3078
21:39:06 +33.4215 -028.7277 +17 118 -15 +32.7734 -027.6450 +34.0938 -029.9065
21:39:11 +33.2687 -030.3458 +16 117 -14 +32.6055 -029.1867 +33.9603 -031.6202
21:39:16 +33.1462 -032.0833 +15 115 -12 +32.4632 -030.8274 +33.8637 -033.4827
21:39:22 +33.0619 -033.9765 +13 114 -11 +32.3524 -032.5930 +33.8157 -035.5486
21:39:27 +33.0284 -036.0844 +12 113 -09 +32.2814 -034.5228 +33.8373 -037.9158
21:39:32 +33.0691 -038.5148 +10 111 -07 +32.2641 -036.6811 +33.9751 -040.7991
21:39:37 +33.2370 -041.5133 +08 110 -05 +32.3266 -039.1886 +34.3894 -044.9435
21:39:43 +33.7384 -046.0385 +04 107 -01 +32.5298 -042.3270 +33.9667 -045.2587
Longitude measured positiv to the East. Azimuth (Azm) measured from North to East.