Summary for : (3671) Dionysus

DynT.TT.BT T.L B T.DDensity (g/cm^3)Δρ/ρDiameter (km)ΔD/DMass (kg)ΔM/MRefAvg.M
NEA-Cb- | --1.94 ± 0.93   (C)48 %0.9 ± 0.111.4 %8.38e+11 ± 2.79e+1133 %SEVM
NEA-Cb- | --2.09 ± 0.81   (C)39 %0.9 ± 0.16.8 %8.38e+11 ± 2.79e+1133 %Sw.avg
NEACb1.60 ± 0.60   (C)37 %0.9 ± 0.15.4 %8.38e+11 ± 2.79e+1133 %C?

Average asteroid densities (g/cm^3):
C = 1.3 ± 0.6, B = 2.4 ± 0.5, S = 2.7 ± 0.5, M = 3.5 ± 1.0, P = 2.8 ± 1.6, X = 1.9 ± 0.8, Xc = 4.9 ± 0.9, Xk = 4.2 ± 0.7 (Ref)

Additional resources:
3D Model | JPL New Horizons | Minor Planet Center | Wikipedia (these auto-generated links might not work)

Note: The density estimates have been ranked from (A) to (E), corresponding to the relative error: (B) less than 20%, (C) between 20 and 50%, (D) between 50 and 100%, and (E) more than 100%. (A) stands for (presumably) reliable estimates (accuracy better than 20%), based on more than 5 mass estimates and 5 diameter estimates, or a spacecraft encounter. Apparently unrealistic densities (ρ > 8) are tagged with (X).

EVM: average by using the Expected Value Method (Ref). w.avg: weighted average (with w = 1/err^2).

T.T: Tholen Tax Class. T.B: Bus & Binzel Tax Class. T T.L: S3OS2 Lazarro (Tholen) Tax Class. T.L B: S3OS2 Lazarro (Bus & Binzel) Tax Class. T.D: DeMeo Tax Class.

Ref: S = SiMDA, C = Carry (2012)

(Indirect) density estimates

Density (g/cm^3)Δρ/ρMethodYearRefN
1.6 ± 0.6037.5 %PheMu2006BD7

PheMu : Mutual eclipsing phenomena in binary systems.
BD7(2006):Pravec, P., Scheirich, P., Kusnirak, P., Sarounova, L., et al., 2006. Photometric survey of binary near-Earth asteroids. Icarus 181, 63-93.

Diameter estimates

DesignationDiameter / Err (km)ΔD/DMethodYearRefNχ2Use
(3671) Dionysus1.00 ± 0.2020.0 % STM1999D3 0.09 1
(3671) Dionysus0.89 ± 0.1112.4 % NEATM2011D71 0.19 2

plot, average diameter and derived density


Notes (N):
1: This estimate is discarded for the average diameter (and derived density) calculation in Carry (2012).
2: This estimate is discarded for the average diameter (and derived density) calculation in SiMDA (catalog).

NEATM : Near-Earth Asteroid Thermal Model. STM : Standard Thermal Model.

EVM diam. average D = (0.9 ± 0.11) km   (ΔD/D = 11%, SNR = 8.74) Derived bulk density ρ = (1.94 ± 0.93) g/cm3   (Δρ/ρ = 48%, SNR = 2.1)

D3(1999):Harris, A.W., Davies, J.K., 1999. Physical Characteristics of Near-Earth Asteroids from Thermal Infrared Spectrophotometry. Icarus 142, 464–475.
D71(2011):Mueller, M., Delbo, M., Hora, J.L., Trilling, D.E., Bhattacharya, B., Bottke, W.F., Chesley, S., Emery, J.P., Fazio, G., Harris, A.W., Mainzer, A., Mommert, M., Penprase, B., Smith, H.A., Spahr, T.B., Stansberry, J.A., Thomas, C.A., 2011. ExploreNEOs. III. Physical Characterization of 65 Potential Spacecraft Target Asteroids. Astronomical Journal 141, 109.

Mass estimates

DesignationMass / Err (kg)ΔM/MMethodYearRefNχ2Use
(3671) Dionysus8.38e+11 ± 2.79e+1133 %PheMu 2006M550.00 1

Notes (N):
1: This estimate is discarded for the average mass (and derived density) calculation in Carry (2012).
2: This estimate is discarded for the average mass (and derived density) calculation in SiMDA (catalog).
3: This estimate is an average of individual solutions listed before under the same reference (e.g. M125).

PheMu : Mutual eclipsing phenomena in binary systems.

EVM mass average M = (8.380 ± 2.790) × 1011 kg   (ΔM/M = 33%, SNR = 3.0) Derived bulk density ρ = (1.94 ± 0.93) g/cm3   (Δρ/ρ = 48%, SNR = 2.1)

M55(2006):Pravec, P., Scheirich, P., Kušnirák, P., Šarounová, L., Mottola, S., Hahn, G., Brown, P.G., Esquerdo, G.A., Kaiser, N., Krzeminski, Z., Pray, D.P., Warner, B.D., Harris, A.W., Nolan, M.C., Howell, E.S., Benner, L.A.M., Margot, J.L., Galád, A., Holliday, W., Hicks, M.D., Krugly, Y.N., Tholen, D.J., Whiteley, R.J., Marchis, F., Degraff, D.R., Grauer, A., Larson, S., Velichko, F.P., Cooney, W.R., Stephens, R., Zhu, J., Kirsch, K., Dyvig, R., Snyder, L., Reddy, V., Moore, S., Gajdoš, Š., Világi, J., Masi, G., Higgins, D., Funkhouser, G., Knight, B., Slivan, S.M., Behrend, R., Grenon, M., Burki, G., Roy, R., Demeautis, C., Matter, D., Waelchli, N., Revaz, Y., Klotz, A., Rieugné, M., Thierry, P., Cotrez, V., Brunetto, L., Kober, G., 2006. Photometric survey of binary near-Earth asteroids. Icarus 181, 63–93.