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CCD Photometry of the Occultation of Star TYC 2521-00170-1 (UCAC4 631-047700) by Asteroid (814) Tauris on March 19, 2018 UT

JOA 2019, Vol. 9, No. 3, Page 3

Author(s): Tony George, Joe Garlitz, Allan Morton

Abstract: We present a double positive CCD observation and data reduction results of the occultation of star TYC 2521-00170-1 (Vmag = 9.04) by asteroid (814) Tauris (Vmag = 14.4) on March 19, 2018 UT. The observation was made at Elgin, Oregon, USA. A miss observation occurred in Rexburg, Idaho, USA. Possible interpretations of the double positive are: separated binary asteroid;contact binary asteroid with observation chord over gap, or asteroid with large-deep crater. The complete disappearance of the star during both positive occultations precludes possibility that adouble star was occulted. Further observation of this asteroid is recommended to determine thesource of the double positive.