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Using the Windows Clock with Network Time Protocol (NTP) for Occultation Timing

JOA 2020, Vol. 10, No. 2, Page 10

Author(s): Hristo Pavlov & Dave Gault

Abstract: Composite video has been used for many years to observe and time occultation events, mainly because Video Time Inserter devices can accurately time-stamp each video imagejust before it is recorded. The use of Personal Computer (PC) as a video recorder makes use ofthe Microsoft (MS) Windows clock to time-stamp video recordings. There is anecdotal evidence of this method being used with Internet NTP servers with a timing accuracy varying from a few milliseconds to a few seconds. In this paper we demonstrate, based on 528 hours of 47.5 million continuous measurements, thata Windows system that uses the correct hardware and software, and a correct workflow, is capableof utilising the Windows Clock synchronised by Internet NTP servers to timestamp a video withan accuracy of better than 15 ms in 99% of the time.We further provide guidance that will enable a much wider range of video equipment to besuccessfully used to time occultation events.